Where do we get business news?

Where do we get business news?

We disambiguate the top sources for business news

Where do you get your business news? Apart from Highbrook Media, obviously.

The somewhat surprising answer, according to analysis of the UK’s most popular business news websites, may well be Insider Inc, the German-owned website that includes the Business Insider brand. Data compiled by Ipsos iris for the media website Press Gazette found that Insider Inc reaches 4.6 million people (9% of the population) over 15 in the UK each month, although businessinsider.com itself attracts only 3 million.

Forbes came second, followed by Reuters – a brand we’d have tipped for the top spot, not least because of its useful (and free) “wire” service of breaking stories. Both these sites actually drew larger audiences than Business Insider itself.

The Financial Times, with a monthly audience of 2.9 million, was fourth – although it was streets ahead of the pack when it comes to audience engagement. FT.com visitors averaged 16 minutes in May – more than twice as long as second-placed Reuters readers, at six minutes. Insider readers averaged just three minutes a month.

The FT also topped the list for page views, racking up three times as many (30.6 million) as its closest competitor, Insider (10.1 million), despite its steep paywall (£35 per month). The Wall Street Journal also scored highly from behind its paywall.

Investopedia drew 1.2 million visitors a month, although they stayed only four minutes – just long enough, perhaps, to clarify what all that business news they were reading actually meant. The full analysis, here, is well worth reading.

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